Richmond Christian Foundation

Biblically Responsible Investing

Investments That Do Well Can Also Do Good



Kingdom Impact

Our Biblically Responsible Investment philosophy reflects our conviction about the importance of accountability and the stewardship of God’s resources entrusted to us.

As followers of Christ, we believe we are stewards of all the resources God entrusts to us. We also believe that the way we invest not only affects financial goals, but also the broader culture.

When we choose to invest in any security, we become owners of that company and thereby help financially support that company’s mission, vision, and practices.

At Richmond Christian Foundation, we regularly screen our investment portfolios to ensure we are investing in companies that are a blessing to our nation and our city. Similarly, we also work to ensure that your funds are not investing in companies that make products or provide financial support for abortion, euthanasia, pornography, human trafficking, addictive behaviors, or anti-family values.

“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

1 Corinthians 10:31

It’s Easy to Do Good with Your Giving:

Define Your Goals

Contact us for a conversation about your giving goals and priorities.

Make Your First Gift

Your gift can be cash, stocks, property, or many other types of assets.

Create Impact

As your fund grows, you’ll experience opportunities for eternal impact.

Your journey to a lifetime of joyful Kingdom impact begins here.

Open a Donor Advised Fund Today!
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